Internal activity accounts exist to direct and account for money used to support co-curriculuar activities. Co-curricular activites are any kind of school-related activity outside the classroom, which adds value to the curriculum. Co-curricular activites involve a wide range of student clubs, organizations, and organized interscholastic competition.
Sponsors, Adminstrators, and/or Support staff of internal activity accounts are expected to follow the District's internal controls to protect the financial resources placed in your care and custody by our students, parents, and community.
For questions about internal activity accounts, please contact:
Richlie Fikes, Accounting Specialist
Internal Activity Accounts Resources and Documents:
Activity Fund Manual for Advisors
Activity Fund Responsibilities
Activity Fund Check Request Form
Activity Fund Check Run Schedule
Activity Fund Deposit Ticket
Fundraiser Proposal Form
Link to form to add items to RevTrak webstore
Volunteer Consent Google Form