Contact Transportation at (269) 926-3900
EMAIL: [email protected]
St. Joseph Public Schools Transportation Office
Contact Transportation at (269) 926-3900
EMAIL: [email protected]
Will your student be needing transportation for the 2024/2025 school year? Even if your student rode last school year, they must fill out a new request each year. Please only fill out one request per student per school year, The online ridership request form will open on June 10th, 2024. Please go online and have the form filled out no later than August 7, 2024. After August 7th, contact the Transportation Department at 269-926-3900 to set up transportation. Calling to set up Transportation after the deadline of August 7th, may result in your student being unable to ride at the start of the school year. Once approved you will receive a bus tag to attach to your student's backpack or computer bag. Bus tags will be handed out at Upton's start-up day and the elementary ice cream socials. This will permit your students to ride their assigned bus. If you do not receive your tag or if the tag is not correct, contact the transportation department at 269-926-3900. Bus tags are required for all students riding the bus routes to and from school, with the exception of High School students. High school students must sign up to ride, but will not be issued bus tags. General education students who live outside of the St. Joseph school district are responsible for their own transportation. Special consideration will be given to students of school employees. Updated bus routes and times will be posted on the school website by August 17, 2024. Please use this link to fill out your request form

Stop for School buses' with red flashing lights, it's the Law