Saint Joseph Public Schools merges a strong IT infrastructure with proven educational methods. Led by industry-certified IT professionals, certified media center specialists, and building-specific teacher support teams (T3s), Saint Joseph Public Schools educational technology prepares students for today's real world practices.
Pete Poggione, Chief Information and Technology Officer
1:1 Student Computing
Preparing students for the 21st century, SJPS exposes students to a wide range of technologies. From our CAD, Robotics, Graphic Arts, Online Programs, Audio/Video programs, and daily integration to education, we focus on utilizing technology as a daily tool, not just for technology focused students, but for integration into our daily instruction.

St. Joseph Public Schools is committed to educating and preparing students in a 21st Century learning environment. As a result of several years of planning and study, the district has engaged in a program called Partnership for Unlimited Learning with the SJPS Foundation to implement 1:1 computing for middle school students. By providing students with a laptop computer to use at school and home, learning and instruction can extend beyond the school day and classroom walls. The goal of 1:1 computing is to develop digitally literate students with anytime, anywhere access to learning resources.
Chromebooks will be issued to all students K-12 and students in grades 3-12 will be able to take their laptops home during the school year.
1:1 Program Handbook
Acceptable Use Policy
Student AUP is found in your Student Handbook.
St. Joseph High School Handbook
Upton Middle School Handbook
Brown Elementary School Handbook
E.P. Clarke Elementary School Handbook
Lincoln Elementary School Handbook
Staff AUP & Staff Signature Page
SJPS Elementary - Approved Third Party Programs - COPPA
SJPS Secondary - Approved Third Party Programs - COPPA
COPPA Parent Letter